Saturday, October 19, 2013

Haikus 1

The moon holds no light
Until it catches the sun
To reach through the dark.

Dew shifts to vapor
As darkness merges with day
In steady transition.

Storms crash through the dark,
But pink blossoms will still bloom
In morning’s first light.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quick Sketches 1

3-5 minutes each. Ink and charcoal. Drawing assignment on quick observation and translation; images based on other artworks or photos (thank you Pinterest!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Solace (sonnet variation)

A squall unfolds over the sloping road,
Cloaking my rain-pecked face in fresh despair.
I rush forward, nearing the church alone
And hunch against the swoops of surging air.
My pain is not from heartbreak, guilt, or shame,
But sorrow of empty days pressing down.
The sidewalk breaks at the end of the lane,
And I enter my only home in town.
The soft darkness knits stillness over me.
I drift to the pews gentle light reveals.
Settling into prayer on bended knee,
I lay down the sadness I have concealed.
Comfort comes like feathers that slowly fall—
Heaven’s solace never fails when I call.